Uncertified Aerodrome Reporting Officer Course


This course is only available for In-House training, by arrangement


1 Day

Contact for a quote

Course Overview

This non-accredited course has been designed as an abridged version of our full Aerodrome Reporting Officer Course. It is suitable for those tasked with inspecting and reporting on uncertified aerodromes, where the full Aerodrome Reporting Officer Skill Set is not required. Operators of uncertified aerodromes will find the course material of benefit to personnel at all levels, including maintaining situational awareness in an aviation environment, inspecting and reporting on aerodrome serviceabilty and identifying obstacles.

An uncertified aerodrome is not regulated and is not required to meet the same standards that apply to a Certified facility. However, many of these smaller aerodromes are operated by local government or boutique mining companies, who must still demonstrate that safety and due diligence have been addressed. There are also flight operations rules in place to ensure that airlines and charter companies only use aerodromes that are fit for purpose, which may include having a suitable person available on the ground to report on the aerodrome’s condition. This course will help to fulfil these requirements.

Duration: 1 Day

Delivery: This course is only available as an in-house course to train multiple personnel at your own facility (by arrangement). It is currently not offered as a public course for individual enrolment.

Nationally Accredited: No

As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 32353) that has been involved with aviation for more than 20 years, Southpac has a reputation for conducting the most practical and up to date training courses in the industry.

We pride ourselves on the knowledge and expertise of our people and this course has been developed by those with real industry knowledge within the aerodromes sector.

The course facilitator has extensive experience in aviation, including aerodrome reporting, management and technical inspection, as well as flight operations, auditing and aerial survey.

Contact us to discuss Southpac facilitating this course for your organisation.

Phone: +61 7 5533 9988
Email: [email protected]

Aerodrome and ARO Courses by Southpac Aerospace

Southpac Aerospace Courses